Boiler Water Treatment

Boiler Feed Water Treatment is necessary to Produce quality steam on demand and depends on properly managed water treatment to control steam purity, deposits, and corrosion.  Boiler performance, efficiency, and service life are direct products of selecting and controlling feedwater used in the boiler. When the solubility of a specific component in water is exceeded, scale or deposits develop. The boiler water must be sufficiently free of deposit-forming solids to allow rapid and efficient heat transfer and it must not be corrosive to the boiler metal. It is worth noting that, a badly treated steam boiler is a potential danger, so getting the feed water quality and boiler water chemistry correct is critical and that means using tried and tested boiler water treatment chemicals.

Boiler water treatment offers several benefits, including:

  • Reduced maintenance costs: Effective boiler water treatment can help reduce maintenance costs by preventing scaling, corrosion, and other problems that can lead to equipment failure and downtime.
  • Improved efficiency: By preventing scale buildup and other forms of fouling, boiler water treatment can help maintain the efficiency of the boiler system, which can result in lower fuel costs and reduced energy consumption.
  • Longer equipment life: By preventing corrosion and other forms of damage, boiler water treatment can help extend the life of the boiler and other components of the system, reducing the need for costly replacements.
  • Improved safety: Proper water treatment can help prevent the buildup of dangerous gasses like carbon monoxide, which can be a threat to the environment.

Product lines for Boiler Water Treatment

Oxygen scavenger

Hydrazine Hydrate is used as Oxygen Scavenger in High Pressure and Low-Pressure Boiler. The treatment system removes dissolved oxygen in the boiler water. Since dissolved oxygen in water causes corrosion of boiler tube walls.

  • Controls oxygen corrosion
  • Promotes passivation
  • Improves boiler reliability
  • Organic oxygen scavenger – contributes no inorganic solids to feedwater

Phosphate (internal boiler treatment)

Boiler water is treated with a mixture of Na2HPO4, commonly called disodium phosphate or DSP, and Na3PO4, commonly called trisodium phosphate or TSP. This mixture serves as a buffer to maintain the pH of the boiler water in the region of 10,5.

  • Outstanding protection against metal oxide deposition and caustic corrosion.
  • Optimum control with tailored sodium to phosphate ratio
  • Easy to handle liquid formulation

Corrosion inhibitor

Corrosion inhibitors are a concentrated water-soluble filming inhibitor formulated to reduce corrosion and hydrogen permeation in wet hydrogen sulfide environments which, result in blistering and cracking of carbon steel. In addition, these Corrosion inhibitors will reduce general corrosion associated with high pH on both carbon steel and admiralty brass. This product is uniquely formulated to reduce hydrogen activity due to corrosion from contaminants such as hydrochloric acid, carbonic acid, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen cyanide.

  • Reduce hydrogen activity associated with blistering and hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) of carbon steel
  • Work effectively against high pH general corrosion on carbon steel and admiralty brass
  • Obtain excellent resistance to acid attack from HCl, H2S, CO2, and HCN
  • Maintain solubility and dispersibility in both oil and water
  • Maintain low emulsification potential

Amine (Condensate corrosion inhibitor).

Neutralizing amines are used in boiler water treatment to control condensate return line corrosion. Here’s why: They are alkaline, which means they can neutralize acids that can form in the condensate by raising the pH. They reduce the effects of carbon dioxide and other acid-forming compounds.

  • Reduce condensate corrosion
  • Reduce maintenance costs
  • Improve boiler system reliability
  • Reduce the levels of iron and copper in boiler feedwater